meddlesome priest

this no one

of me

a dispute, king and bishop

former friends, former brothers,

now regality with a creaking, cold, hard throne,

the other, popery, a grand cathedral,

confidence, regret, acceptance of the end


four knights,

intermittent, erratic,

once not, now here, later not again,


weeping land beneath,

the four,

the they,

in Salisbury then but now not,

in Canterbury not then but now,


they                              they                                     they                              they

anger                         rage                          ignorance           


the bishop




weapons murderous,

desperation, opportunity, four

contretemps, forbearance, one


they                       they


they                       they


measured strikes,

a godly crown,

gold, the clink on stone,

swords swiftly, bloodily,

wounds, crimson drawings

on a dying body,

a mortal crown,

flesh, the squelch on boots,


th(bi)ey th(p)ey


th(o)ey th(sh)ey


the deed, finality


they                       they


they                       they


the bishop, constant



they                                                       they

they                                                       they


the knights, infamy


dust once, flesh then, dust again


                                they                                                                                                                       they

                they                                                                                                                         they


the king, lamentations




ey                                           th


Don’t tell Mr Barthes

As a teenager who was both a tragic history and English nerd, I always had to take a moment to remember which one was which: Thomas Becket and Samuel Beckett. Reflecting on this last year, led me to writing this poem - combining the two.

The murder of Thomas Becket is told through poetry that seeks to steal something from Samuel Beckett’s works, most notably Quad. The sense of movement is critical to the poem. This importance is only increased further by the fact that the poem has no vowels. There are no actions in this poem. Only people. The weight of history has robbed them of all agency, players in a play.